
Electrical Cars Begining

 Beginning of Electrical cars First Electrical car was attributed to many inventors due to several inventions made for the electrical era to begin like motor and minor inventions for it to begin Storage battery  was invented by Gaston   Plante  of France in 1859–60 later it was improved by Camille Faure in 1881 and made electrical vehicles possible                                               First electric vehicle It was said Gustave Trouve's first tri-cycle was world's first electrical vehicle Due to lack of electricity supply to every house by wiring connections, many cities doesn't have power supply during late 1880's and lack of power charging stations these were eliminated from market. In 21st century due to increase in fuel prices public shifted their minds towards electric vehicles. Market for electric vehicles w...

Automobile basics

 Automobile History  Automobile is a vehicle propelled by itself without the involvement of any external force  Automobile was invented by Nicholas Joseph cugnot french  inventor at a speed of 3.6 km/hr propelled with steam engine. Due to uneven weight distribution vehicle was not be a success after a couple of years.  Leonardo da  vinci was the first person to bring the idea of self propelled vehicle on a tricycle. Later many modifications done and vehicle has been run with steam engines until 19th century when first ic engine "de Rivas engine" was found. Many inventors made many researches using ic engines and a complete and successful automobile was invented by Carl Benz in 1887 with us 4 cycle I.C engine using gasoline as fuel. Dailmer was also working with I.C engines during 19th century he also contributed more in automobile history.